This stems from a TryHackMe room which required the discovery of virtual hosts on an HTTPS server which implemented SNI. For most virtual hosts, the main domain's cert worked but...
## What is missing or needs to be updated? The [Token Storage on Client Side](https://github.com/OWASP/CheatSheetSeries/blob/master/cheatsheets/JSON_Web_Token_for_Java_Cheat_Sheet.md#token-storage-on-client-side) page recommends using Session Storage over Local Storage, seemingly because Local Storage persists between browser...
Currently the layout on request editors is very cramped, and you can't actually see the button labels in the search results (have tested on Windows and Mac). Screenshot is here:...
If you hover over one of the checkboxes, a tooltip should appear describing what it does. Some of them aren't very descriptive, but others like auto-nest params say: > When...
For some reason, even though I can send requests to Auth Analyzer from the Proxy History, if I select requests in the Organizer tab, I cannot do the same from...