Adding my support to this. I was going to make my own request but this pretty much covers everything I talked about on stream. I think the initial reason for...
There's definitely an argument for flipping the default, I just have no idea how common it is to mask files from appearing. It probably makes more sense to keep things...
@GingerRouxt it's already in. Use `--dirbuster.tool=dirsearch`
It's not normal. Are you using Bash or ZSH as a shell out of interest? Also what OS / version are you using? Thanks!
Hi @pafranci, which method did you use to install AutoRecon?
This is an idea so obvious I can't believe I didn't implement it already. It should be relatively easy to do. I believe Nmap has an `--exclude-ports` option too. That...
This would be difficult if not impossible to implement due to the fact that AutoRecon is running other tools, and most of those tools don't have a pause feature. I...
This is some weird bug with pipx. Can you provide the version of pipx you're using? I ran into this on my older Kali build, but on 2022.4 it works...
Are you able to provide any information about what you were scanning when this happened, and the exact command / config used? I'll have to try and replicate it to...
Do you know if that host is on the free version of the platform? If not I might have to contact you privately and ask for some more information if...