I think adding a disabled-by-default --dirbuster.onlyports would be worth implementing. Then users could choose their own ports to include, e.g. `--dirbuster.onlyports=80,443,8080,8443` etc. As for writing a plugin to support a...
@joshterrill No need to fork it, just add a new PR. It should be a separate plugin anyway. I plan on merging this at some point this week.
@joshterrill Sorry, I meant you don't need to fork the open PR (which I just merged anyway), but rather create your own PR. Yes you will need to fork the...
Could you post the following information to help me try and replicate: 1. The OS you're using, plus whether you are using bash or zsh. 2. A link to the...
Interesting. On my installation, -e is defined: ``` -e, --extract-links Extract links from response body (html, javascript, etc...); make new requests based on findings ``` They must have changed it....
Yes please! If it's not too much trouble to zip up the output directory?
Ah yeah that might be your issue. If you use `-c` or `--config` you can specify the file (I usually have one in my home dir). Also I feel like...
Yeah, unfortunately report generation only happens once all plugins have finished for a particular target, so adding multiple wordlists will just delay this. I expect I'll have to change that...
@j4r0-code can you see if the latest version fixes it?
@A1vinSmith Ah ok, so rpcclient should run against SMB? Just checking I've got that right. I'll see that crackmapexec gets added too.