Tianqi Zhang
Tianqi Zhang
@joelmartinez @dend just so that you know, I ran twice mdoc to verify if it's because the different type parameter name, and it seems NOT. Every time the mdoc ran,...
@joelmartinez @dend here's the commit of the manual fix, you can see I deleted two copies of dup: https://github.com/dotnet/docs/commit/a6ba057835b0025f7b067cd5d84ab671fdb9741f
There are 9 xml files with this issue, there's the list: ``` Microsoft.VisualC.StlClr\\BinaryDelegate`3.xml Microsoft.VisualC.StlClr.Generic\\ReverseRandomAccessIterator`1.xml Microsoft.VisualC.StlClr.Generic\\ReverseBidirectionalIterator`1.xml Microsoft.VisualC.StlClr.Generic\\ContainerRandomAccessIterator`1.xml Microsoft.VisualC.StlClr.Generic\\ContainerBidirectionalIterator`1.xml Microsoft.VisualC.StlClr.Generic\\ConstReverseRandomAccessIterator`1.xml Microsoft.VisualC.StlClr.Generic\\ConstReverseBidirectionalIterator`1.xml Microsoft.VisualC.StlClr.Generic\\ConstContainerRandomAccessIterator`1.xml Microsoft.VisualC.StlClr.Generic\\ConstContainerBidirectionalIterator`1.xml ```
@mairaw the reason why ecma2yaml is filtering out empty params is that, param name is the only key we can associate the description with the param itself. Without the name,...
@joelmartinez using `Index` make sense to me. Once every param is assigned a `Index`, I can update ECMA2Yaml to use it.
@dend @joelmartinez sorry that I missed this conversation. No the visibility of this member never changed, it's always been a public constructor with a private parameter. The reason it can...
> 是更新到3.2.4后出现的问题,退回3.2.3就dnsmasq就能正常启动了。 对,我之前3.3.1用了一段时间好像没问题,但是今天更新订阅以后突然出问题了。试了各种办法,后来搜到这个issue,退回到3.2.3就好了。
@jinwang888 @gladuo @Normanyin @Violet-VE 后来有办法解决重启dnsmasq失败的问题了吗?