Tianhao Fu
Tianhao Fu
hi, nice repo. where can i know how much time does it take in total to train? where can i know how many epoch does it take in total to...
Hi, I want use DeepSpeed to speed my transformer , and I came across such problem: ``` File "main.py", line 460, in main(args) File "main.py", line 392, in main train_stats...
Hi, I read the docs of torch. rfft. It says that torch. rfft is implementation of FFT. But FFT is not dct. In your code you use torch. rfft to...
Hi, when i was using your codebase, i came across such error: ``` File "/root/11/centerpoint/det3d/torchie/utils/config.py", line 95, in fromfile import torchie ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'torchie' ``` could you give...
Hi , I‘m running your code in _https://gin.g-node.org/robintibor/high-gamma-dataset/_ but I had an error: **ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'braindecode.datautil.signalproc'** It seems in your latest braindecode package the signalproc function was removed,...
nice repo!
Hi, Thanks for your code! Could you provide your code of MTI-Net with Resnet FPN backbone in you paper? BTW, did you use pretrained weight in your of resnet18-fpn? If...