
Results 7 comments of WrongTurn


> > 为什么来内地呢,内地的gov可是掌握着绿色暴徒,你不怕吗,不矛盾吗。>.< > > 可能是對於技術的熱愛吧www haha 铁汁说的没毛病,最近有流感,要小心

> It seems to be an issue of v1.13-3 or inappropriate configuration of the conda package. I installed this version from conda using command `conda install -c bioconda prokka` and...

> I just found this project (which looks great!) and yeah managed to get it set up with GH Pages fairly easily. > Here's the GH Action I'm using to...

yes I see it, but it shouldn't affect the result of github-actions, the point is I can't get the gh-pages-branch like yours, it's quiet strange..

@yscoder 发现问题了,有如下代码: ``` //方式一 ![](http://xxx.com/xxx.png) //方式二 ![][1] [1]: http://xxx.com/xxx.png ``` **上述两种方式应该都符合markdown的语法,应该都可以解释成吧,我大多用的`方式二`,现在发现只有方式一才可以被识别,并添加lightbox效果。** 下面应该是lightbox效果的添加代码吧: ``` hexo.extend.tag.register('image', ([src, alt = '', title = '']) => { return hexo.theme.config.lightbox ? renderImage(src, alt, title) :...
