Tian Qi
Tian Qi
Thank you for your sharing, but I have a small question. Why do you 1) use `F.softplus` for `variance(std_dev)` every time and 2) add a constant(min_std_dev). Is it to ensure...
The definition of the advantage function is ``A(s,a) = Q(s,a) - V(s)``. It seems that `` V(s) `` is not explicitly calculated in the code ([here](https://github.com/hari-sikchi/AWAC/blob/00bb4a0b70ed39d059cab2d9370d168c0c6b58a3/AWAC/awac.py#L299)), as ``` # V(s),...
I tried training on my own dataset using your data augmentation configuration. However, I found that the data processing of the training dataset provided by the configuration file is blurry,...