@layumi thanks for your kind explanation, I got it. Another question is that in your implementation of triplet loss, I found that you get the negative hard samples is a...
@layumi OK. And is it necessary to do the random permutation of "nf_data"(in train_new.py line ~217)? Cause your default opt.poolsize is 128(equal to the batchsize of nf_data), and after sorting...
Hi, @layumi Thanks a lot
Hi, David, I've trained with the ResNet-50+384*288 with ground truth bboxes. The test result of 32 epoch is as follows: Average Precision (AP) @[ IoU=0.50:0.95 | area= all | maxDets=...
OK,I guess Baidu yun is a good choice. I will try to share the pretrained model on it and provide you the link as soon as I uploaded model
hi,David, I've already uploaded the model on BaiduYun. Here is the link: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1fdy5_0HQm63QtlOzxKbpuw
That's cool! I'll have time to train with Resnet101+384*288, I'll share the model after finishing training
Hi, David. I've uploaded the model of cpn384*288 with Resnet101 on Baidu Yun. Here is the link: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1toikUHSqHhHP3DkIOkNctA
Hello, David, I've just found that I trained with the old code which has "Color Normalized bug" last week. I feel sorry for that, I could retrain the model this...
@michuanhaohao Thanks for your great work. But I had a suggestion that when compute the shortest distance will cost O(MN) extra space, where M, N is the size of the...