Tiago Padilha
Tiago Padilha
First of all, your project is amazing! I would suggest including tags input component https://selectize.dev/demos/2016/01/02/tagging/
Hi, on production server sometimes this error occurs `[2022-10-08 22:26:55] production.ERROR: Class "Opcodes\LogViewer\Utils\Utils" not found (View: /var/www/vhosts/topoleiloes.com.br/httpdocs/vendor/opcodesio/log-viewer/resources/views/livewire/log-list.blade.php) {"userId":20000,"exception":"[object] (Illuminate\\View\\ViewException(code: 0): Class \"Opcodes\\LogViewer\\Utils\\Utils\" not found (View: /var/www/vhosts/topoleiloes.com.br/httpdocs/vendor/opcodesio/log-viewer/resources/views/livewire/log-list.blade.php)`
When you change the PC time, the countdown value is changed together, even if the start-time and end-time values are set
**Describe the bug** Hello! There is a bug with the maskable input. When you use a mask like this: `:mask="['(##) #####-####', '(##) ####-####']` and press the tab button or focus...