
Results 21 comments of ThummeTo

Steps to reproduce: - Compile the library example. - Try to load the DLL (success). - Rename folder "bin" to whatever you want. - Try to load the DLL (failure)....

As an alternative/quick fix: Would it be possible to specify a custom "bin"-directory name before compilation start? Maybe a keyword argument for `create_library`?

Thanks for the reply. Can you please give me a hint on when (in the packagecompiler-process) and how to use this `stringreplace` binary to patch out the strings?

Thank you very much, I will give it a try and report! EDIT: This works excellent!

The solution from @mohamed82008 is a working macro now, and it is as easy as typing: ``` import NonconvexUtils NonconvexUtils.@ForwardDiff_frule f1(x1::ForwardDiff.Dual, x2::ForwardDiff.Dual) NonconvexUtils.@ForwardDiff_frule f1(x1::AbstractVector{

I can seperate the function and put it in a dedicated package if you wish. **Are there any suggestions for names?** It's basically something like the interface between ForwardDiff and...

Ok, mini-package is coming. I will post it here!

Find the repo here: [ForwardDiffChainRules.jl]( I tried to keep it light-weight, e.g. the SparseArrays- and JuMP-dispatches are only added if the corresponding libraries are (with Requires.jl). The rest is basically...

Of course, you should have an invitation now. Much appreciated!

So it's ready for a first release I guess @mohamed82008 ?