Mark Lewis
Mark Lewis
Ran into the same issue today. The find feature in the browser works as a stop gap, but a basic "pick up where you left off" feature would be very...
After this PR is approved and merged, it would be appreciated if we could get a new pod version posted that includes these changes.
Yes, but you will have to override the `RAReorderableLayoutDelegate` methods and add the Haptic feedback yourself. You could use any of these to hook in and perform the haptic feedback...
If this is fixed, the issue should be closed.
Yeah, this really should be configurable.
If this is fixed, the issue should be closed.
Just a heads up, you can prevent the crash by calling the following line of code (comments optional, obviously) before any sockets are created: ``` /* Ignore SIGPIPE mach signals...
Yeah, I just lost an hour hunting down what was causing this problem. I had renamed a key on the server side, but forgot to update the parameter name in...