Thuener Silva
Thuener Silva
I'm trying to use SelectFromModel with RadomForestClassifier. There is support for that on ScickitLearn in Julia? ```julia using RDatasets: dataset using ScikitLearn, DecisionTree iris = dataset("datasets", "iris") X = convert(Array,...
Using using CPLEX_Studio1263, Julia 0.4.5 and Ubuntu 16.04: Pkg.add("CPLEX") INFO: Installing CPLEX v0.1.2 INFO: Building CPLEX signal (11): Segmentation fault strlen at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (unknown line) __strdup at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (unknown line)...
**Describe your context** Please provide us your environment, so we can easily reproduce the issue. - replace the result of `pip list | grep dash` below ``` dash 2.13.0 ```...
After updating the program stop working on my samsung galaxy tab 10.1. It shows the name of the youtube video but don't start the video. I will try the older...
Add pid in the Logging message is an easy way to identify which thread belongs in an multithreaded execution.
Use the package format to set the number of decimal places to float numbers on the log.
closes #42
Give the option to have a less verbose output. This is feature is good when I'm testing the code and don't have any interest in date, time and logger name...
Improve function docs expecially the ones that get exported. Some good examples: functions Structs
Hi Oscar, now with SDDiP, we actually have a heuristic to solve the model. We don't proved convergence anymore. I can see that on several occasions, the model is stuck...