Edward Jones
Edward Jones
This is likely to be a big task, since I'm going to want to go over the code, the API, and the IRC spec, to make sure they all line...
Maybe this is meant to be there? Not sure. Investigate it. See https://github.com/Throne3d/node-irc/commit/ba4f556433beea09baac6b4567fcac70961adb82#diff-eece59382c03dab6d6469ad664eb3a0bR25.
If there are multiple recommendations one after another for the same production item (lemonade stand, newspaper, etc.), such as "Moon Shoe: 2" and then (directly afterwards), "Moon Shoe: 10", it...
### What would you like to see changed/added? I'm using komac to submit an update to HWInfo64, but wanted to use GitHub's new fine-grained personal access tokens instead of granting...