
Results 516 comments of Thorin-Oakenpants

@RainmakerRaw oooh, almost forgot .. make sure to include Firefox's bundled emoji font in your whitelist - it's `Twemoji Mozilla`

Do not mess with `dom.enable_performance` if you use `privacy.resistFingerprinting` (RFP for short) enabled. Leave it at default. RFP already has timing protections in it since FF56 (see bugzilla 1369303) -...

> icons are not rendering This is called `tofu`, it looks like a domino with hexadecimal code on it. What is your OS. You need to change your default font...

> Or all the PK user.js? No, just the ones I listed > I use Ubuntu 18.04 OK, so it's linux. Change your default serif, or sans serif (one of...

> Is my fingerprint is not unique if I have No, because RFP does not do anything about fonts yet, which is why you should/could limit fonts. I see you...

That looks like a ligature (because it's displaying readable text or whatever), rather than a missing font icon/glyph or tofu (which as I said looks like a domino, or a...

FYI: [1429865]( I would assume it will be similar to all the other default permissions landed in 58: so something like `permissions.default.canvas` or since its tied to `privacy.resistFingerprinting` maybe `privacy.permissions.default.canvas`...

here is what ghacks user.js has had for ages ```js /* 2402: disable website access to clipboard events/content * [WARNING] This will break some sites functionality such as pasting into...

==Slightly OT== If you are afraid of breakage, then you should revisit your `svg.disabled`=>true (even we disabled enforcing this), as it breaks youtube player controls. SVG is just too big...

For those missing the ability to allow/block redirects, until/if this feature is added to uMatrix, I recommend NoRedirect ( ). It's pretty straightforward. It applies rules from the top...