
Results 581 comments of Thorin-Oakenpants

Here's a little history on the UA spoofing in `privacy.resistFingerprinting` * FF56: [1333651]( & [1383495]( & [1396468]( spoof navigator API (version rounds down to a multiple of 10) * FF57:...

I'll repeat: RFP's UA spoofing is only about BS'ing web sites, ***not internally*** (emphasis added) > the way I'm currently accessing the version [runtime.getBrowserInfo()]( is not affected by privacy.resistFingerprinting i...

OK. Up to you. I guess you could look it up on startup (or first use?) and store it as a session variable?, but I'm not a Web Ext dev

> The arkenfox user.js page falsely claims that Privacy Badger no longer uses heuristics Here's what the wiki entry says > Note: Privacy Badger is easily [detected](, and [no longer](

Sorry if this seems to be derailing the thread, but below are some more reasons why PB is redundant/obsolete for Firefox users On the heuristics point, you're splitting hairs IMO....

> You seem to think Privacy Badger attempts to tamper with canvas fingerprints Sorry, my bad. It's been a while since I looked at it. The point was that it...

So you can't confirm (or correct) your own statements (emphasis mine) > Privacy Badger's canvas fingerprinting detection that the adtech madness article analyzes is **_disabled by default_** > The link...

Not a single instance of the word "partition" in the linked PDF - FWIW I got around to testing and edited the arkenfox description for PB - it's still redundant...

PDF > Notably this means that the combination of Privacy Badger and uBlock Origin block more than each extension on their own, highlighting again that they are indeed complimentary. The...

IDK why you are making strawman arguments. State partitioning is to deal with state tracking, so why bring up other tracking methods such as redirects, query params, or STATELESS tracking....