
Results 581 comments of Thorin-Oakenpants

Nice 👍 I love how CB works with `file://` scheme. Using CB with canvas, audio, domrect and textmetrics, I get 58 items in `tamperingList`, and those items are all in...

I just edited my comment above. Not sure what you mean by "directly tampered with" vs "indirect tampering" (edit: they're both "tampering", i.e untrustworthy: not everyone will use a proxy...

OK, still confusing :) But yeah ... lieList "may trust some" has always been the issue (there's some logic to be had here, but IDK if it's worth it) -...

After known lies (math, dom-shift-of-doom etc) I'll probably include a global `proxyLies` (updated on every click and section rerun) and use that as a definite BS and then `protoLies` if...

Cydec is 177 lies in both .. aren't we meant to be sorting (I could have sworn we added this to prototype)? the hashes differ. I mean, I can easily...

I wrote a test for this quite a few versions ago as a version check for some aspect of it, but then found out it's all behind a pref(s): haven't...

interesting perf - - Of course nothing really happens in TZP until we receive all the JS files, at which point we start timing, but makes you wonder...

assigning @abrahamjuliot 🤣 🤣 🤣

just a random idea - using JS to generate css `@media` rules, e.g. `min-device-width` and `min-device-height` - width would set background color - height would set color - use the...

actually .. I already have the css rules, and can just use the after pseudo element ```css #cssPCS:after{content:"not supported"} @media (prefers-color-scheme:light){#cssPCS:after{content:"light";}} @media (prefers-color-scheme:dark){#cssPCS:after{content:"dark";}} @media (prefers-color-scheme:no-preference){#cssPCS:after{content:"no-preference";}} /* obsolete FF79+: 1643656 */...