Thomas Vitale

Results 25 comments of Thomas Vitale

A similar suggestion has been made in another issue, for which a PR has been submitted as well:

I experienced the same issue. Currently, as a workaround, I considered setting `${}:${}` in case only one profile is active. If more profiles are enabled, it won't work. I'm available...

@marnee01 By any chance, if you didn't get the time to work on it, could I take this issue?

@marnee01 Thanks @ryanjbaxter Should the extra logging be added by default when `result.getTrackingRefUpdates().size() == 0` or should it be configurable through a dedicated property?

@ryanjbaxter @spencergibb Is there any plan for this feature? In case, I'm available to help.

It would be really great to support Java 17+ and records in particular

@vojtechhabarta I can see that a new major version of the plugin is on its way. What will the minimum Gradle version supported be? If it's at least 6.7, could...

Hi @link178. At what point did you get that error? I can't reproduce it when running the Keycloak container from this Docker Compose file:

@link178 thanks for your reply. The feature used in the book is the one for exporting/importing realms. Since Quarkus became the default distribution, importing realms can be done as explained...