@yolk @ryanlecompte At Fanhattan we are heavily using redis_failover in production. We believe that it is still more mature and more flexible than the redis-sentinel model. I recently added the...
Got it, thank you. Do you have an idea of when it will be supported? My collection will grow about 60M vector per day so I'm going to hit physical...
@yanliang567 tried 1) but it doesn't seem to work yeah I tried with 200 partitions and we ran into problems when trying to load a lot of them... etcd...
@xiaofan-luan confirming the for this is going to be on 2.2.4? Can you link it to issue/PR for reference?
Hey all I looked into it again with `pymilvus==2.2.3` and problem is the same. Created a new collection 7 days ago and I see Approx Entity Count: 346,132,883. But I...
Are you recommending to call in python `collection.compact` ?
confirmed it's fixed!
I looked into QueryCoord/Query node no logs stands out that would point to a problem. I'm sure what I'm doing wrong here, would love some help!
I actually don't know the entity_id, I'm trying to get back an entity id given a vector in my `embedding` column (search the associated entity_id with this vector). Is this...
1. Yes node are well balanced CPU wise. 2. as you can see in my query `sp, _ := entity.NewIndexIvfFlatSearchParam(1)` I also tried with 20 & 32 - makes no...