just updated to this on our system. "sinfo -h -o %n %G" command takes the scrape from 1/2 seconds to 2.5 *minutes* on our system, and it has no gpus....
Cori ( currently has 2,388 haswell nodes, and 9,688 KNL nodes. No GPU's. Perlmutter I am not at liberty to disclose at this time, but it has GPU's, and it...
I'll just add.. "We break things." I will look at it. I thought we was still under blackout, but they did post that there will be 6000+ GPU's in the...
We have a contract with the slurm people to deal with some of those issues.
Lucky for us, I've also setup ARA. so when the log file rotates, ARA still has the complete job data..
I just opened an issue for this, not realizing it's already under discussion.. We need ASN's assigned to devices for VXLAN/EVPN usage. Spines have the same ASN - and there...
From playing with it, yes, you have to track the link-local to use this plugin if you doing truly unnumbered which means use dynamically assigned. We also assign an loopback...
There are currently 3 different ways to execute an external program in the code. I can combine them into one, along with a check function that can make sure everything...
interface = netifaces.gateways()['default'][netifaces.AF_INET][1] will tell you which interface has the default route.
Missing speed and duplex on dcim.Interface Local testing shows they are easy to add..