Emelia Smith

Results 86 issues of Emelia Smith

```javascript import { print, printSchema } from "graphql"; import { introspectSchema } from "graphql-tools"; const ENDPOINT = 'https://my.graphql.example/graphql' const fetcher = async ({ query: queryDocument, variables, operationName, context }) =>...


Hi, I've got a deploy.rake file that looks like that: ``` ruby require 'paratrooper' namespace :deploy do desc 'Deploy app in production environment' task :production do admin = Paratrooper::Deploy.new("nts-admin", maintenance:...

### Prerequisites - [x] Checked that your issue hasn't already been filed by cross-referencing [issues with the `faq` label](https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/issues?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=is%3Aissue%20label%3Afaq%20) - [x] Checked next-gen ES issues and syntax problems by using...

help wanted

Currently when writing a prompter, e.g., cz-conventional-commit, if you wish to integrate with commitizen configuration then you need to do the following: ``` var configLoader = require('commitizen').configLoader; configLoader.load() // synchronous,...


I'm not sure why the code was written the way it is, but it appears to be forcing the polyfill to be used even in environments where the Fetch API...

Currently, if the semantic-release partially executes, the package remains published, even though it shouldn't. This might be partially avoided if in `verifyConditions` we check if the package version we are...


### Question Hi! I've just come across `rollup-plugin-ts`, and I'm liking what I'm seeing, I do have a question though, which is, how does this play with compiling a single...

Installing software globally on a developers' machine as a side-effect of using a webpack plugin is generally a bad idea, especially when they are not informed that this will take...

Currently, this tool hardcodes the usage of `master` as the upstream branch, which can often not be the case. https://github.com/azz/pretty-quick/blob/master/src/scms/git.js#L31-L37 ``` const revision = staged ? 'HEAD' : runGit(directory, [...

This appears to be due to a change in the algorithm used for determining the toString of an Object. See step 16 of [ Object.prototype.toString ( )](https://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/6.0/#sec-object.prototype.tostring) ```js const form...