Results 7 issues of JT

I'd like to recommend that the PSL Tax calculator incorporate additional age-based parameters for the young child bonus to the child tax credit. This would be an incredibly valuable policy...


Below is the requested info: downloaded file size on disk (116269056) does not match server's content length (299770530) R version 3.5.3 (2019-03-11) Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit) Running under: Windows >= 8...

Possible software installation needed? Might want to put this in the ReadMe if installation is necessary. ``` sh: ffmpeg: command not found Error: Rendering with ffmpeg failed In addition: Warning...

![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/20157774/178592089-95c0cbee-0789-4ab0-8f91-3f20b78bd947.png) I'm getting very inconsistent counts for the number of children within a household hoping someone can let me know whether this is a general bug with taxdata. Or if...

[[Reposting from Tax Calculator's issues board](https://github.com/PSLmodels/Tax-Calculator/issues/2637)] Do users/developers have any sense of what the biases are of the 2011 PUF-based outputs likely are when extrapolated to more recent years via...

I'm currently working on adapting TaxData for use with the 2014 PUF file. The primary data-related obstacle I'm facing is in regards the use of 2011 JCT to impute itemized...

The links all seem to be dead here.