Thilo Krachenfels
Thilo Krachenfels
For me, it would also be great if someone could merge this.
I can confirm this issue also for boxplots.
If you also want to highlight the citation keys in the text and the URLs/DOIs, you can use the following: ``` \AtEveryBibitem{% \ifcategory{important}% {\hypersetup{urlcolor=impentry}\bfseries\color{impentry}}% {}% } \AtEveryCitekey{% \ifcategory{important}% {\hypersetup{citecolor=impentry}\bfseries\color{impentry}}% {}%...
To also colorize the labels in the bibliography: ``` \AtBeginBibliography{% \DeclareFieldFormat{labelnumberwidth}{% \ifcategory{important}% {\color{impentry}\mkbibbrackets{#1}}% {\mkbibbrackets{#1}}% }} ```