Thijs Withaar
Thijs Withaar
Replacing with ```#if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3``` at least makes `btproxy` run on my machine
Have you looked at the output of `dmesg` ? On my rpi3, running raspbian kernel 4.4.38, I get oopses. I'm using dkms to compile it. Is your issue similar to...
with current raspbian, it's kernel-headers and dkms to handle the module, I also ran into a similar kernel oops (same thread). Any hints on where to look, how to dig?
Just as a few others, the driver works fine if cross-compiled from x86 to rpi3: rpi3: gcc version 4.9.2 (Raspbian 4.9.2-10) x86: gcc version 6.2.0 20161005 (Ubuntu 6.2.0-5ubuntu12) Details are...
Maybe related: since two weeks or so, `clinfo` freezes after: ` Max work group size 12 ` This is with raspbian stretch, so gcc 6.3.0 and clang 3.9 installed. It...
I use the one from raspbian (stretch)
In case it's useful, my notes on compiling and installing on raspbian jessie (clinfo runs successfully) Setting up cmake: ``` (cd VC4CLStdLib; mkdir build; cd build; cmake ..) (cd VC4C;...
The CPack is definitely something which is not widely popular. Personally, I use both the NSiS (windows), .deb and .rpm archives fairly regularly, with just the 'package' target. For me,...
As far as I know, there's no uninstall in cmake. For me personally, having it as package means the system package manager can always uninstall it, even if the source...
> For the OpenCL part, the interoperability mode is working .. Thanks for the clarification. I suspected there were limitations, but wasn't sure whether I was doing anything wrong. It...