My problem solved itself by removing the build folder and changing the path on my repo... I don't have more explanation than this...
> Hi > Could you guide me on how to do "make pythonAPI" command? I run it on X64 native tool command prompt but it crashes all the time. Thanks...
Thanks for the quick answer. Not much to bisect... I had the custom css `nbsphinx-gallery.css` working on a previous Sphinx version and nbsphinx 9.3 following doc requirements. But updgrading to...
Oh okay sorry I didn't understood it this way. But which repo do you want me to bisect ? On my side, it is this [one]( that introduced the bug,...
I successfully fixed it by: - renaming the folder `static` to `_static` - add the css file to `html_css_files` var (e.g `html_css_files = ["my-nbsphinx-gallery.css"]` - the custom css can't be...
Thanks for pointing the nbconvert issue. I'll try with nbconvert 7.13. For now, I just stopped running my notebooks (`nbsphinx_execute = "never"`) waiting for one of these issue to be...
Pinning nbconvert to 7.13 fixed it. Should I close this issue ?
/e2e --tests sdk
/e2e --tests sdk
/e2e --tests sdk --refs substra-ci=fix/regex-gke-version