Florian Gareis

Results 55 issues of Florian Gareis

Is it possible to mark dates in the month view (above the day list)? I want to mark, when a event is available on this day.

Hi, Would it be possible to add an "copy to clipboard" link to the action column? So it is easy to copy the link after for the admin in admin...

admin panel

Hi, What about an ajax based filtering search instead of the current one? Thank you Zoker

admin panel

### Checklist #### General - [x] This is a small issue that I tested locally - [x] Language: I followed the [guidelines for inclusive, diversity-sensitive, and appreciative language](https://docs.artemis.ase.in.tum.de/dev/guidelines/language-guidelines/). - [x]...

ready to merge

### Checklist #### General - [x] Language: I followed the [guidelines for inclusive, diversity-sensitive, and appreciative language](https://docs.artemis.ase.in.tum.de/dev/guidelines/language-guidelines/). - [x] I chose a title conforming to the [naming conventions for pull...

ready for review

### Checklist #### General - [ ] I tested **all** changes and their related features with **all** corresponding user types on a test server. - [ ] This is a...

ready for review

### Checklist #### General - [x] Tested on my local Artemis instance - [x] Language: I followed the [guidelines for inclusive, diversity-sensitive, and appreciative language](https://docs.artemis.ase.in.tum.de/dev/guidelines/language-guidelines/). - [x] I chose a...

ready for review

Hi there, I installed the software today and ran the installer. After doing that I logged in and this message showed up: ´[2014-12-04 00:05:24] log.ERROR: Something Went Wrong - in...

This add a notificator for gotify: https://gotify.net/ I saw a lot of people having issues setting up gotify via event forward, so I looked at the code and saw, that...

Every time I try to install the latest package, I get this error: ![Screenshot_2020 09 22_18h47m46s_003_](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1368405/93912670-53738e80-fd04-11ea-991c-f93de98e9f5b.png) I already restarted my synology but no change. Any idea what causes this? Trust...