
Results 3 issues of Zaind

Yeah, the question is in the title. How can I shuffle my Trainingdata when I am training the model? Normal, It's something like : "'shuffle': True" or "data_loader = DataLoader(dataset,...

**this is my code:** ```python from codeinterpreterapi import CodeInterpreterSession, File import os, dotenv import openai ### Lade Variabeln ### os.environ["OPENAI_API_KEY"] = "sk-XXXXXXXXXXX-Its my key:)YYYYYY" async def main(): # context manager...

help wanted

### This is my code: ```python from codeinterpreterapi import CodeInterpreterSession, File import os, dotenv import openai ### Lade Variabeln ### os.environ["OPENAI_API_KEY"] = "sk-XXXXXXXXXXX-Its my key:)YYYYYY" async def main(): # context...

help wanted