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Tracker presents: a casual standalone version of the Super Metroid & A Link to the Past Crossover Randomizer with built-in automatic item tracking and Twitch integration
SMZ3 Cas’ Randomizer
“This is the cas'est version of the rando you’ll ever see.”
— Diabetus, 2021
The SMZ3 Cas’ Randomizer is a fork of the original Super Metroid & A Link to the Past Crossover Randomizer. It’s aimed at making it a more approachable and casual experience by removing some decidedly uncas’ elements such as IBJ (Infinite Bomb Jump).
A Windows installer for latest version of the SMZ3 Cas’ Randomizer can be found on the GitHub releases page. You can also find information about limited cross-platform version that supports Linux here.
In addition to making IBJ completely optional, there is also:
- Integrated voice-enabled/automated item & location tracker;
- Built-in MSU-1 support for custom music packs;
- More logic customization options;
- Various accessibility patches;
- Customizable ship sprites;
- Patches for modern Super Metroid controls;
- In game hint tiles and voice-enabled hints via tracker;
- Sprites made by members of Diabetus’ community and others;
- Below you can find a list of all of the sprites included and their creators
- Various Super Metroid patches were pulled from the VARIA Randomizer by theonlydude
- Diabetus and PinkKittyRose and the members of their communities have helped test and stream with this fork
The original repository can be found at
Hosting a SMZ3 Cas' Multiplayer Server
Interested in hosting your own server for multiplayer games? Take a look at the Server Setup Documentation.