Since you're still working on this I won't do a full in-depth review. On the functionality side I've tested the skis and they feel great to use now! On the...
Issues I've found (most of which are to be fixed by me soon) - [x] large boat mast does not connect to flag - [x] large boat door is open...
We're going to look into this more later, but for now here's a few things about the Crampons you can work on: - shulkers seem to detect snow layers as...
- [x] some build problems, they've been fixed and saved, need to be re-added - [x] desert medium 1 does not generate the extra feature - [x] spider spawners (gm4_orbis:spawner/spider)...
- [x] Tower loot tables have a chance to have 2 music discs in one chest - [x] Tower loot table gear should be low level enchanted more often -...
- [x] towers were resaved and need to be readded - [x] new stone dungeons should generate under oceans just like under plains since ocean dungeons are now above ground...
- skeletons in towers and dungeons spawn without bows - mobs in towers do not spawn in skylight - tower spawn rate should be about halved - ship spawn rate...
tested in 1.20, works as expected and was unable to break anything
Notes after some playtesting: - conserve colour during crafting - don't allow storing of shulker boxes or hotswappers in firework star form inside hotswappers (really easy to chunk ban an...