
Results 10 issues of TheSpider12

The game is Marvel's Spider-Man Remastered. The default in-game DLAA preset is D. If I go to DLSSPresets section inside DLSSTweaks ConfigTool and change the preset of DLAA to C...

As the title says. Anyone managed to make the debug overlay to appear in this game? Tried OverrideDlssHud = 1 and OverrideDlssHud = 2 but still nothing. Dlss files are...

I wonder if this is normal. I'm enabling forced dlaa preset D for shadow of tomb raider. The result is great; dlaa is a lot crisper than taa and smaa4X....

Just tried with Kena, which was an UE4 game and dlsstweaks didn't seem to work. No dlsstweak file was generated and no dlss debug hud showed up in-game.

Using DLSSTweaks with the dev dll file (or the latest dll file from TechPowerUp) to inject DLAA into this game results in flickering at the top of the screen. In-game...

As the title said. I'm not sure what this setting does. The note is: "May help with issues where DLSS2 games would fail to activate auto-exposure with DLSS3.1". How to...

Anything new in this latest dlss version? Is there a page somewhere that details the changes in each version of dlss file?

So I downloaded the latest 3.1.1 dlss file from TechPowerUp, pasted in the game's folder (Modern Warfare 2019 - quite an old game), pasted the dlsstweaks.ini and dxgi.dll also, edited...

Modern Warfare 2019: With the new dlss file (version 3.1.1) in the game folder, the game will automatically replace that with its original dlss file (version 2.3.4) every time it...

This is the first game in which I see DLAA blurrier than DLSS. Not sure what's going on. I'm using the latest dlss file (3.7.10) and preset E for both...