Oleg Logvinov

Results 13 issues of Oleg Logvinov

I have been keeping servers with mods for my friends for several years, initially I kept my servers on my Raspberry Pi (which coped well), but then I switched to...

The bug is that if you go to the big screen outside the GUI of the program, an error occurs. This bug exists with the very first android version of...


When client provides bad `Content-Length` header or does not provide it at all, multer usually returns an error code 400, but in case when this header is missing, you can...


Seems like you provided wrong url in README and all links is not working including [scdl documentation](https://zackradisic.github.io/node-soundcloud-downloader/classes/_index_.scdl.html). Can you update README documentation links or put it to [wiki section](https://github.com/zackradisic/node-soundcloud-downloader/wiki) to...

### Version 7.4.7 ### Operating System Linux 5.4.0-121-generic amd64 ### Java Version 1.8.0_312 ### Plugins/Mods ```shell Plugins: LuckPerms-Sponge-5.3.98 Nucleus-2.4.2-MC1.12.2-SpongeAPI7.3-plugin spark-1.9.33-sponge7 elyby-skinsystem-0.2.0-beta Mods: ActuallyAdditions-1.12.2-r152.jar Advanced+Machines-61.0.1.jar Advanced+Solar+Panels-4.3.0.jar advmachinespatch-1.0.jar advsolarpatch-1.1.jar AsmodeusCore-1.12.2-0.0.31.jar Avaritia_1.12.2_3.3.0.37_universal.jar bdlib-

Now Yandex errors can be used in exception handlers. For example, you can get the revision number from error message. (Also removed useless console.error)

The point is that the warningCount records the number of all errors, not just connection-related errors (which is what the "warningCount >= stats.total" logic was designed for)

### Information about server: Server core: Regular forge for 1.12.2 (`forge-1.12.2-`) Mods: [Full list](https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/files/11416111/mods.txt) (based on [this modpack](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/nomi-ceu)) `uname -rvi`: `5.15.0-1030-oracle #36~20.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Thu Feb 16 11:35:09 UTC 2023...

#### What problem are you trying to solve? I keep my Discord bot on my home server, but in my country SoundCloud is already banned, YouTube is likely to be...


Системный бар закрывает собой часть плеера. В полноэкранном, понятное дело, такой проблемы нет. ### Пример Бар есть: ![image](https://github.com/pavloniym/anilibrix/assets/37226226/fce5690f-99fe-4f4f-90b3-09e46e6f1951) Бар убран через `display: none` для демонстрации: ![image](https://github.com/pavloniym/anilibrix/assets/37226226/40bfcffc-bc43-410d-abc8-22bbabcd8629)