After doing some more investigation, I don't think that this library was causing my issue. I wrapped all WebSockets stuff with #ifdef / #endif statements to disable the code and...
I have not done this with Ethernet, just WiFi. I had to change ... ``` WiFiClient net; ``` to ``` WiFiClientSecure net; const char* cacert = "..."; const char* ssl_key...
The default iperf server port is 5201 which must be open on the server's firewall.
Does Windows 10 do any outbound traffic blocking? I'd assume you needed to add a firewall exception to allow the inbound traffic. Not sure that this is the answer, but...
Prior to iperf3.11, only the sender side results were in the JSON output as node `end` ... Try with iperf3.11 which includes [PR 1174]( and adds `end.sum_sent` and `end.sum_received` nodes...
What happens if you use a 1 second interval?
Can't the debug output be outputted to STDERR to resolve this?