Hello, Great package. However, I am running into an issue when loading in my files with RepLoad. Specifically, my files are filtered_contig_annotation.csv files from 10X. However, these are the only... allValidPairs.pre_juicebox_sorted does not exist or does not contain any reads
Hello, I have ran HiC-Pro and generated my validpairs file. I am currently trying to convert it to a .hic file. However, I keep running into this error where "allValidPairs.pre_juicebox_sorted...
Hello, I am running TCRdist, and I really like it! Thank you for taking the time to make it. However, I am noticing that I am losing a considerable amount...
Hello, I have very much enjoyed using your program. Currently, the TCR clusters are being formed exclusively around differences in TRAV gene usage. With no visible differences in CDR3 region...
Hello, In TCRdist3, it seems that I am losing most of my clones (Single-cell paired 10X). I have around 4000 clones, but after running TCRdist3, I only have around ~200....