### What went wrong? When getting personal results notification, on click pops up and dissapears the window, and i cant enable it. ### What did you expect to happen? _No...
When injecting, I get the following problem: ``` sudo gdb -batch-silent -p $(pidof csgo_linux64) -ex "call (void*)__libc_dlopen_mode(\"$PWD/\", 2)" warning: Could not load shared library symbols for bin/linux64/ Do you need...
The search stops at 2067 users, and this way I can't press the select all button://
So I have two things. First of all, how can I get a function and a filter(by class) work at the same time? My code: ```js let checkboxFilters; let searchFilter;...
Crash on inject issue. Ubuntu 22.04, I downgraded to kernel 5.13.13 from 5.15, not helped, downloaded precompiled gdb version from a fuzion help comment w same issue, not worked.
I have that kinda problem, that i setted up the bot, in guilds reacts to commands, but if I send commands in DM to it, nothing happens... I gave him...
Hey! I need to use my csvparser variable globally, and read in things with