
Results 11 issues of TheOriginalBytePlayer

According to the instructions, I am iniitialzing it with Logger.Providers.Add(GlobalLogConsoleProvider); with GlobalLogConsoleProvider do begin LogLevel := LOG_ALL; ShowEventColors := True; Enabled := True; end; Log('Test entry',etInfo); Log('Test number: %d',[1],etWarning); It...

I have an application that heavy relies upon a quite a number of skia elements to render the interface, and normally it looks fine as you can see in the...

I am using QuickLogger in my application and my program froze. When I did a thread snapshot, the ONLY thread that wasn't suspended was a QuickLogger thread. Any ideas what...

If you build your Mac app as a Universal App (eg. both ARM and non-ARM code) then the dylib which is automatically added to the package is 64ARM ONLY. I...

I cannot install a package that creates several controls based on skia as I always get the error **E2202 Required package 'Skia.Package.FMX'** not found DESPITE the fact that I've explicitly...

Status: Unconfirmed

As a recent test, I tried building a Firemonkey form in a DLL using the GlobalUseSkia to see if it would avoid the GDI initialization/finalization issues and indeed, it appears...

Thanks for making this dynamically loading -- it makes it work a lot better on Delphi. However Dynlibs.pas is a Lazarus only file so I had to recreate it for...

I have a feeling this is related to the older bug about freezing, but in Berlin.1 using the latest source gotten from here, when I click on a button LABELED...

I was using your great component only to discover that it was creating a huge number of threads (200+) in our application which made debugging it basically impossible under Win64....