Ok so i have the files uploaded to the server, and can see the option in the player menu for deploy ropes. As soon as i click deploy i get...
I have tried both files individually mate, i also have this in my serVariale.txt ``` 5 "^A3W_((antiExplodeLocal|dammaged|engine|handleDamage|respawn)EH|atmEditorPlaced|missionMarkerName|(object|vehicle)(ID|Saved))" 5 "^A3W_(purchasedStoreObject|storeSellBox)" 5="BIS_fnc_MP_queue" 5="bounty(Kills)?" 5="BuildingLoot" 5="captureTriggerMarker" 5 "^fpsFix_(eventHandlers|simulationCooloff)" 5="Lootready" 5="objSaving_lastSave" 5="parked_vehicles" 5="private_storage" 5="spawnBeacon_lastUse"...
Sorry yes i misread your previous post mate sorry..... My remoteexec.txt is as follows ``` // allows UAV usage, third-party bounty system, and remoteExec functions (filtered by CfgRemoteExec) 5 ""...
There fixed now mate, think it was due to the ``` class ASL_Pickup_Ropes { allowedTargets=1; }; class ASL_Deploy_Ropes_Index { allowedTargets=1; }; class ASL_Rope_Set_Mass { allowedTargets=1; }; class ASL_Extend_Ropes { allowedTargets=1;...