> Is it ok to train only the YoloX model using the entire LaSOT dataset and then change the checkpoint of the detector? @moey920 were you able to succeed? I'm...
> "yolox/data/datasets/", line 102, in pull_item > assert img is not None > AssertionError I also ran into this problem, were you able to solve it?
@parthmalpathak In the dataset directory(../Bytetrack/datasets) , name your folder for your dataset “mot”
@parthmalpathak In the ETHZ and cityscapes directories are there train, test, and annotations like the “mot” folder?
> Any update? Nope, but I ended up using a simple process to help me pull from baidu. I used this YouTube tutorial
> Thanks! Could you maybe upload to google drive or similar @TheMadScientiist ? I don't think the authors are maintaining the repo. I have to check my computer to see...
> Thanks! Were you able to check @TheMadScientiist ? It would be super helpful if you could share it via google drive. [email protected] if you like to add me It...
> ok, not urgent. I can wait for val and test. Thanks! Check your gmail.
> hello @bozcani @TheMadScientiist > > can i have the train dataset please ? > > my email is [email protected] > > Thank you very much > > best regards...
> @TheMadScientiist Yes please I gave you access 6 days ago, check your email.