Results 5 issues of MY

Hello, I got same problem as here: Now I use `v3.2.1` and my file look like this: ``` import * as PNotify from 'pnotify'; new PNotify({type: 'notice', text: 'text'});...

I use this model for EasyNMT and found some interesting behavior, if I try to translate something related to translation or subtitles, I can got response like: ``` {"target_lang":"en","source_lang":"ru","translated":["== sync,...

Try to use `mbart50_m2m` model and when I pass 1 000+ chars, sometimes it can be 1000, sometimes 3000, I got 504 error from my CF and next trace in...

I use it for translations and language detection. It works perfect, but sometimes it failed with 500 error and I see in my pod logs this error multiple times: ```...

Can you explain why emoji parser catch `#` symbol? For example: ``` $parser = new Kozz\Components\Emoji\EmojiParser(); $parser->match('#test', $matches); ``` And `$matches` should be: ``` [ 0 => '#' ] ```