孤独な 宇宙飛行士

Results 10 comments of 孤独な 宇宙飛行士

I think you're use msg.sender.id in setup function without initializing msg variable. Also this is just bot, you cant send message to your bot directly from this bot.

🚀 ![image](https://github.com/wix/react-native-navigation/assets/50376577/c0d6e109-0e5f-4892-ab2d-fb86533112c3)

@Arkkeeper sure, I'll check this, but it could be a bit buggy (PR is still a draft/PoC, im planning to finish with iOS next week and start android), hope to...

There is an interesting moment regarding new architecture: RCTEventEmitter fires 'didApper' event before component actually was created (event JS component class constructor was not been called yet). Native call is...

iOS example app now works fine for both old and new archs (with and without bridge) 🎉 Working on ToDo list right now

After porting SharedElementTransition example to Reanimated 3 (to support bridgeless), i found that new Reaniamted does not support multiple surfaces yet (one native screen - one surface) ![image](https://github.com/wix/react-native-navigation/assets/50376577/faf331ea-af5b-460c-b903-d0b10e4e5005) To fix...

@NiuGuohui well, iOS behaves differently. `RNNAppDelegate` uses `RCTSurfacePresenterBridgeAdapter`, but in new arch mode it's not working as it was in RN 0.73 (`bridgeAdapter.surfacePresenter` is always nil). Internally `RCTSurfacePresenterBridgeAdapter` uses `NSNotificationCenter`...

Got it working on iOS Fabric with disabled bridgeless, working on bridgeless mode 🚧

[PR](https://github.com/wix/react-native-navigation/pull/7875) @asafkorem

@lukutism Hi, no progress yet, i have very complex task on my job right now. You could start Android implementation, I did only iOS things