> Gua juga mikir gitu sih, pas doujindesu mt jam 11 malam, pas besok ny di tachi udh gk bisa dibuka, tapi di web view bisa Codenya berubah semua gan...
> extension nya kudu diupdate ya? > Ato ini karena tampilan webnya belum 100%? Mungkin bisa jadi karena web nya belum 100% fix
> Gabisa difix kah? Kontributor Tachiyomi bisa ngerjain klo mereka mau Jdi gaada tenggat Intinya sabar aja buat updatenya
> when will this be added @TheKingTermux No need to ping me. Wait until someone wants to work on it.
Theme migration from *Madara* to *MangaThemesia*
Well it will be very helpful if the reader knows how many chapters are missing or tell readers which chapters are missing
Uses WPMangaStream theme
Uses ~WPMangaReader~ MangaThemesia theme
Update domain from .com to .net
Uses WPMangaStream theme Is NSFW? No