- **This is wrong description.** def rotate_perturbation_point_cloud_with_normal(batch_data, angle_sigma=0.06, angle_clip=0.18): """ Randomly perturb the point clouds by small rotations Input: BxNx6 array, original batch of point clouds and point normals Return:...
****** Airplane: 0.001279 ****** Bag: 0.125000 ****** Cap: 0.000000 ****** Car: 0.015432 ****** Chair: 0.066288 ****** Earphone: 0.222222 ****** Guitar: 0.000000 ****** Knife: 0.000000 ****** Lamp: 0.204545 ****** Laptop: 0.000000...
My configuration is pcl1.7.2 and python3.5.2 on ubuntu16.04 the install error is pcl/boost_shared_ptr_assign.h:1:29: fatal error: pcl/point_cloud.h: No such file or directory
Hello. I an new to point cloud processing area. I want to know what is the difference between your method and data augmentation,please? Thanks.