Aaron Hnatiw
Aaron Hnatiw
Just FYI the same issue happened on the `blog.html` page. I changed the same element of the line as follows: ```html View All ``` Cheers, Aaron ([insp3ctre](https://twitter.com/insp3ctre))
No problem, Yann! Cheers, Aaron ([insp3ctre](https://twitter.com/insp3ctre))
I don't think it'll be possible to actually store any data persistently without doing that. I suggested [memdb](https://github.com/hashicorp/go-memdb) for that reason, because it runs entirely in-memory. [Redis](https://redis.io/) is another option...
Just to be clear, I won't be able to dedicate the time to implementing a database into BeePing to solve this problem. However, if you implement it, I'd be happy...
Awesome, I look forward to seeing it! Cheers, Aaron ([insp3ctre](https://twitter.com/insp3ctre))
Disabling HTTP redirect would be done with the `http.Client`, rather than with Gin. It's pretty straightforward to do, here's the implementation in one of my own projects: https://github.com/insp3ctre/race-the-web/blob/master/main.go#L349. I like...
@jimen0 The first piece of code should fix it, yes. @yanc0, you good with that? Also, I was going to suggest you opening another issue for redirect, but it looks...
I just tried updating dep (`go get -u github.com/golang/dep/cmd/dep`), then running it in the RTW folder (`cd /path/to/RTW/; dep ensure`). It seemed to work for me. Try installing dep- `go...
Hm. So it has something to do with a protocol (i.e. `https`, `http`, `ftp`, etc; sent at the beginning of the URL like `https://...`). Because you have redirects disabled, that...
I just came here to submit an issue for this very thing. The answer is that the path is relative to the `.go` file where you're calling the `New` function....