The Great Weegee

Results 4 issues of The Great Weegee

One thing that has always bugged me is that you can technically _wield_ another gauntlet in the slot, but cannot use the spells - maybe some addition of dual-wielding would...

Feature Suggestion

I wanted to suggest a couple of things, but I decided to separate both things into different issues. In short, I thought of suggesting to add more "global" config values...


I don't know if you have looked into this, but I have a suggestion to add the option to equip weapons through [MOTD-based menus](, written by reBane. This suggestion is...


**Minecraft Version :** 1.19.2 **Mohist Version :** Build 66 (latest) **Operating System :** Linux, openjdk version "" 2023-08-24 OpenJDK Runtime Environment Temurin- (build OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM Temurin- (build...

Needs Testing