Some csv uses escape charactes instead of quotes. So Instead of `"Hello, World", "1"` The csv will be like `Hello \, World,1` Most notable example would be mysql default output....
Motivation: We use ace for communications using serial ports. We do get an error code 10038. [10038 socket error]( To my understanding this is caused by ACE using WASend, which...
> The project name is the identity via which the project is addressed ... That statement is incorrect. The name of the project is not an identity. as the javadoc...
This plugin uses registerTask instead of createTask. Thats sufficient for "normal" gradle build to avoid unnecessary overhead, as the tasks are simply not created if not needed. However during an...
### Issue type Wrong or misleading information ### Problem description Salut In various places the documentation mentions 'cross-configuration' Or cross-project-configuration. And I am pretty sure nowhere actually defines what that...