Mike Binns

Results 15 issues of Mike Binns

### Environment * Elixir & Erlang versions (elixir --version): 1.13.0/23.3.1 * Elixir Language Server version: 0.8.2 * Operating system: MacOS Monterey * Editor or IDE name (e.g. Emacs/VSCode): VSCode *...

waiting for information

I finally had to disable the "Fetch Deps" feature on ElixirLS because it was causing so many problems when switching between branches. There are times that I love the fact...


One feature I miss from a previous life in Eclipse/Java is the ability to quick fix an "is undefined or private" error by adding the function at the end of...

help wanted

Fixes #348 Updates typespec on `add_context` to include `keyword()`

Now that Phoenix.LiveView.HTMLFormatter can format `heex` templates, we should export the functions that can appear in a template that we don't want to force parens on. We can then import...

A common pattern we use with mix-test.watch is to run `mix tes.watcht`, and if any errors are found run `mix test.watch --failed`, fixing errors until all the failed ones are...

The vast majority of the deps in the ecosystem are specified with the prefix `~>`, would it be possible to change the values in the dropdown to also follow this...

I have my test environment set up as described in the readme: ```elixir config :recaptcha, http_client: Recaptcha.Http.MockClient, secret: "6LeIxAcTAAAAAGG-vFI1TnRWxMZNFuojJ4WifJWe" ``` but I am getting an `:ok` tuple back from `Recaptcha.verify("invalid_response")`...


non-hex deps such as `{:tentacat, github: "techgaun/tentacat"}` are not recognized as current version, causing duplicate lines when added.

As discussed in #18, we are experiencing an issue whereby some traces result in 800k+ entries being sent by `:erlang.trace` to our trace server. We were unable to determine when...