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n o o k
I have an issue activating/deactivating MenuDialogs and autoSelectFirstButton: In my game when you press the Pause button, the main MenuDialog gets deactivated (menuDialog.gameObject.SetActive(false)) then the pause menu which contains its...
First and foremost, is there any way to load more than 1 chunk in the online demo? I've tried installing it based on the readme, got node.js, extracted the textures...
I am 100% sure this has been reported before, I even remember seeing a post and screenshots about it but for my life I can't find it. **Describe the bug**...
Here, you can see that everything in the Foldout has the same indent:  but List types' arrow icon for toggling appear in the same X-space as the Foldout group's:...
Here, you can see everyhting under a BoxGroup gets the same background:  but not List types:  Expectation: List types to not "break" the background in a BoxGroup
I'm trying to download the Disco Elysium devlogs found here for example https://forums.tigsource.com/index.php?topic=52246.60 but it only downloads a single file named "index.php%3ftopic%3d52246.60" if I use `>wayback_machine_downloader https://forums.tigsource.com/index.php?topic=52246.60` I know the...
I have uninstalled ExplorerPatcher then reinstalled. I tried resetting to defaults, uninstalling then restarting the computer then installing again and a combination of these to no avail. I am simply...