Guillaume Raffin

Results 97 comments of Guillaume Raffin

Yep I'm interested. I would have liked to be able to read _and_ write comments in order to preserve the configs but just writing comments is better than nothing :smiley:

It is, but it won't be ready before several months because it requires some work. I know the snakeyaml's limitation is problematic.

Hi! 1. Calling sync decreases performance. How much? Well, it depends partly on the other applications, but usually: quite a lot. 2. Calling sync forces the data to be written...

Maybe #64 would help too, since it would avoid writing the config in an intermediary/invalid state (and less writes => lower probability of corruption :tada:).

Hi! Thanks for reporting this issue. I'm not sure whether it's a problem with NightConfig of with MinecraftForge itself, I'll have to do some testing.

As nallar said, a true multithreaded system would require an adapted API and/or a lot of entity patching, so it's hard for a mod to do this. But it can...

I am not aware of a discord config to hide processes, do you have more information on that topic?

Hello, I've fixed the rpmbuild issue :smiley:. Regarding these dependencies, they are specified by the discord developers themselves, so I don't think it's a good idea to ignore them. Those...

It doesn't seem possible :( There are other Scala libraries Kubernetes like `skuber`

Java system properties can be modified via command-line arguments or the `JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS` env var, without having to edit a file. (There is also `JAVA_OPTS` but it's application-dependent). I find that...