Reinier Kaper

Results 39 comments of Reinier Kaper

It turns out I also had a coverage directory that was the cause of this issue. I can't seem to set the root to `'src'`, no matter what I try,...

Interesting bug, thanks for reporting. I will look into it!

Might also be related to a bug I found myself:

Seems to have something to do with reselecting the value. It looks like it tries to use global variables and then fails, or it's not using all the channels correctly...

Great suggestion! I hope to find some time soon again to expand the plugin a little.

I know, it's something I really need to find the time for ;-) It's not something I would use myself too often (or at all), but I can imagine other...

Quick question (if you guys can give me some feedback). Do you want to convert all hex colors in a document, or only all that match the currently selected color?...

We can second this issue. What an odd thing to import, it's probably buried in some dependency down the chain. None of the previous versions work either btw. I don't...

I think I tracked down the core of the problem. The `js-ipfs-utils` package lists `electron-fetch` as a dependency: That package relies on `process.versions.electron`: Apparently, that resolves to `true`...