
Results 10 comments of TheDirigible

I figured it out. Added the line:, blah);

No CSS makes it to the build. I believe it's the same as this issue:

Yes I tried the grouping, but it makes the html way too wordy for complex forms that have a lot of various nested items intermingled. You're assuming that the UI...

I'm talking about the readability of the source code. Which is cleaner? ``` ``` or ``` ``` This data is not unstructured, but it's a highly complex structure, in which...

This problem has been plaguing me for years because I want to write good quality code that is shared between node & browser. I finally found a system that works:...

In models/index.js, add the line `config.freezeTableName = true;`

It's not useless, Node's support of ES modules is a train wreck. Interoperability of code shared between node and browser is super fragile. This repo would be a good workaround...

It doesn't work in vue files at all for me.

it's the same for strings that contain // as " abc // def " the rest of the line after abc is highlighted as a comment.