Denis Khoshaba

Results 6 issues of Denis Khoshaba

PR reduces docker image size—a summary of the changes * Adds `pipefail` to the `SHELL` directive for safety * Added `--no-install-recommends` to `apt` and `autoremove`+`clean` as per [best practices]( *...

PR Adds [CreditSpecification]( in the [AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate LaunchTemplateData]( specification. Defaulting to `unlimited`, but can be `standard` if it's a better default.

## Description Adds []( ## Info |Name|Category|Background Color|Logo Color| |:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:| |Last.FM|Music|`#D51007`|`white`| ## Preview | Badge | url | | ----- | --- | | Last.FM | ![Last.FM]( | `![Last.FM](` |

**Describe the bug** Not being able to disable telemetry via an env var or a configuration is an issue since for certain protected environments where egress is disabled, causing a...


PR fixes golines on the CI