vscode-laravel-artisan copied to clipboard
Visual Studio Code Laravel Artisan Extension
Can you add datatable support. php artisan datatables:make UsersDataTable
`Command 'Artisan: Optimize' resulted in an error (command 'artisan.optimize' not found)` Windows 10 Laragon 
Hello! I'd like to ask if there is any way to use this extension with Homestead properly? If I use the Config Cache or Config Refresh artisan command, my application...
I don't seem to be able to run these commands from sail. You may know that sail uses the syntax: sail artisan but there doesn't seem to be an option...
It doesn't look good in the new Laravel 9.  @TheColorRed, do you have plans to support the Laravel 9 route:list command? I am thinking maybe utilize the `--json` flags...
Issue: When docker enabled command run in the wrong path Changes : 1. Adding base command as optional param 2. Setting the artisan path in the child process Pending :...
Artisan : make component command not showing in vscode command palette.
Hello Ryan, I use GitPod.io and VSCode as a web IDE. I would like to be able to use your extension in GitPod as well. But for that, your extension...
Please Ask for Markdown with `Make Mail` Command.